Small Grants

Applications are now open for the Working for Waders Small Grants Fund for farmers and other land managers to help save our waders.

Waders need our help. They are in a perilous state and we are in danger of losing them from our countryside if we don’t act now. We have pulled together a Small Grants Fund to help support farmers and other land managers carry out actions which will help save our waders. Grants are available to a maximum value of £3000. If you are a farmer or you manage an area of land which has waders or could have waders, we’ve put together some guidance to help you apply below.


The types of actions we support include:

  • Habitat management – e.g. wader scrapes, rush topping in accordance with our Guidance Recommendations

  • Predator control

  • Developing farmer training events run by farmers for farmers

  • Setting up networks, information exchange, collaborative discussions, forums, walk and talk and other ways of sharing experiences and information.


The small grants fund is seeking the following outcomes:

  • Extending or improving nesting and/or feeding habitats

  • Providing increased protection from predation

  • Increasing farmer awareness of best practice management

  • Working together across a number of farms or landholdings


To be eligible to apply you must fit the following criteria:

  • The project/action will take place in Scotland

  • The project must not be double-funded

  • The activity should help reverse the declines in waders

  • The activity should help share knowledge about how to help waders

  • Please apply as soon as possible - by 9am on August 30th at the latest


Find out more with some Case Studies of the kind of work we’d like to support.

If you need any more information, please feel free to get in touch with us if you’d like to find out more about the kind of projects we’re keen to support!