What is Working for Waders?

Wading birds like oystercatchers are under threat

Wading birds like oystercatchers are under threat

Working for Waders

This is an initiative to bring people together to address the decline of breeding waders in Scotland. It follows on from the Understanding Predation project and will build on the principles of collaboration and co-production established by that project.

Understanding Predation combined local knowledge with scientific evidence to develop a shared understanding of predator-prey interactions. Much consensus emerged from this process, the strongest of which concerned the need to work together to address the decline of waders through a combination of habitat and predator management. 

Development of the programme of action is developing fast and further information will be added to the blog when it becomes available.

Why do we need to focus on Waders?

Waders like curlew, lapwing and oyster catcher have suffered from substantial population declines in recent years (curlew down 61% since 1994, lapwing down 53% and oystercatcher down 40%). Those who work and use land in Scotland recognise the need to address these declines. The Understanding Predation report identified that the most important influences affecting waders were habitat, predation and interactions between these.


Working for Waders