Project Update, September 2017

Breeding redshank need our help

Breeding redshank need our help

Thank you to everybody who has given their time, energy and thoughts to help develop ideas for Working for Waders. The next steps are set out below.

How can you get involved?

Groups of interested people are needed to take forward the themes and ideas identified during the two workshops held in May 2017 to turn these into actions. Volunteers will be sought soon. 

The provisional titles for the three Action Groups are:

1. Collecting and sharing information on wader populations for zoning and targeted management;

2. Raising awareness and sharing best practice on waders;

3. Halting the decline of waders at the landscape scale: developing a collaborative partnership to achieve outcome based management. 

Summaries of each Action Group will be circulated at the end of September with a request for volunteers to join. In addition, guidance will be available from SNH licensing on licensing principles and requirements to support Working for Waders and proposals arising from it. A Co-ordination Group will be convened to oversee the establishment of the Action Groups.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like any further information please let us know by commenting on this blog or by getting in touch!

Working for Waders