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Working together for wading birds in Scotland

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Wading birds are an important part of Scotland’s rural heritage, but many species are in rapid decline. We have lost almost two thirds of our curlews since 1994, and the number of lapwings has halved in the same time. Without urgent action, the future looks bleak for several of our most celebrated and exciting species. 

Working For Waders started in 2017 to tackle the decline of wading birds across Scotland.  The project is open to anyone with an interest in waders and is currently supported by a wide range of charities, organisations and individuals, from farmers and conservationists to gamekeepers and birdwatchers.


Working for Waders aims to:

·      Raise awareness of wader decline

·      Show that declines can be reversed

·      Demonstrate the importance of working in partnership


Who are we?

Working for Waders is a collaborative project which is bringing together a wide range of organisations, government bodies and individuals.

We are all working together to reverse the decline of charismatic and iconic farmland species, from major national charities like RSPB Scotland and the BTO to individual farmers, crofters and gamekeepers.

The project is always keen to hear from people and organisations with an interest in wader conservation, so please contact us if you can offer help or support!
